Ever wonder what it will be like when you take a music class lesson? Having a little insight may help you understand the process, set expectations, and plan to get the most out of the experience. From the teacher to the student, with Fundamental Music Instruction, a music class process makes for a great lesson. In this blog, we will discuss some of the elements that go into a lesson. Knowing these elements will ensure great results during a music class for children and adults.
The Steps to Music Learning in Fundamental Music Instruction Music Class
Three basic steps form the basis for a great music class; read about each below –
First, There is a Goal
At the start of a lesson, there is always a goal. This will be a new piece of music, a new technique – a skill that will enhance your playing. Your teacher should clearly define this goal, so you understand it. In some cases, you will be able to accomplish this in a single lesson. If not, your teacher will help you understand how this will develop over a longer period of time. Sometimes a teacher will bring you through the new skill little by little to understand what is required for this.
A lesson goal can be anything that will help you progress as a musician. If you’re starting music lessons for the first time, the goal may be to assemble, disassemble, and hold your instrument with proper posture. If you’re more advanced, the goal may be musicality – accurate notes and rhythm, phrasing, and tone. Our philosophy is always to help students to experience music. The basics of a pleasing tone and musical phrasing are at the forefront of lessons, followed closely by the theory skills of recognizing notes and musical markings.
The Next Step in the Lesson Process is to Focus on the Goal
Your teacher will demonstrate how to accomplish this goal and provide information to assist you in this new skill. Your job will be to work on this new skill to the best of your ability. Your teacher will supervise you to ensure you are doing this correctly during the lesson, and he or she will also provide feedback and help you when needed.
The Final Step Builds Good Habits Through Regular Practice
After the lesson, you’ll need to reinforce the skills you just learned during music class through consistent practice at home. This is done through accurate and deliberate practice. Your teacher can help you learn how to practice so that you can truly master your new skill. This happens over the course of time and may not be accomplished all at once. Consistent practice doesn’t mean hours at a time – it means manageable periods of time (even if only a few minutes) several times a week. This way, when you come to your next lesson, your teacher can build on this new skill rather than have to re-teach it.
That’s it! It’s a very easy process. When you follow these steps in the cycle of learning, you’ll achieve excellent progress! But as they say, it takes a village… So your teacher and your music school will also have some responsibilities to help you progress.
Let’s take a look at what each person needs to do –
Taking Music Class Lessons is a Give and Take Experience
Your teacher works hard to prepare for the music class lessons to communicate positively and creatively. Teachers are aware that students all learn uniquely. Your teacher’s responsibility is to find the best way to share the new skill(s) so that a student comes away from the experience feeling that the lesson goal is reasonable and accomplished.
Your Responsibility as a Student
As a student, your job is to trust the instruction given and try your very best to accomplish the task given. Having an open mind and putting in a consistent effort will help you get the most out of your music class. Developing good practice habits will also ensure maximum progress is made.
Still Unsure What Instrument to Learn to Play? Try Fundamental Music Instruction’s Complimentary Music Lesson to Find Out More!
Fundamental Music Instruction’s music class lessons are now offered online for a more convenient way to learn an instrument. We offer music classes for a wide selection of instruments; you can choose from Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Drums, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Violin, Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass. Learn more about each instrument you can learn how to play with Fundamental Music Instruction HERE.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected], call us at 908-244-4943, or sign up for a free online music lesson HERE! We can’t wait to fill your world with music because, without music, our minds would be quiet.